Our Practice Areas
The nationally recognized team at BCBH Law focuses on two types of asbestos cases: mesothelioma claims and asbestos-caused lung cancer claims.
The nationally recognized team at BCBH Law focuses on two types of asbestos cases: mesothelioma claims and asbestos-caused lung cancer claims.
The sheer volume of the many ways you could have been exposed to asbestos is why you need our help. Asbestos was contained in products used for construction, insulation, cosmetics and personal hygiene. Our experts will thoroughly investigate all avenues of your asbestos exposure.
The unethical and hurtful choices of asbestos corporations have affected many Americans and their families. If you are a victim of asbestos, then our award-winning attorneys are ready to represent your claim.

Mesothelioma Claims
Asbestos exposure is the only scientifically proven cause of mesothelioma. Oftentimes, your asbestos exposure is linked to your occupational history.
Another exposure method is via a family member who worked with asbestos and unknowingly brought the fibers home on their clothing and person. This is referred to as "secondhand exposure".
Knowing which of your jobs involved interaction with asbestos-containing products is necessary to your mesothelioma claim. Fortunately, we at BCBH Law have the resources and specialized knowledge necessary to explore your or your family member's work histories and identify instances when you likely were put in harm's way.
Knowing which of your jobs involved interaction with asbestos-containing products is necessary for your mesothelioma claim. Fortunately, we at BCBH Law have the resources and specialized knowledge necessary to explore your or your family member's work histories and identify instances when you likely were put in harm's way.

Lung Cancer Claims
Lung cancer is a disease that forms on your lungs, which means asbestos fibers reach your lungs and irritate the cells on the organ.
Since lung cancer has the same cause as mesothelioma (asbestos exposure), you can seek compensation against the companies at fault for your disease. We can analyze your employment history, uncover asbestos exposure instances in your past and identify those companies responsible.