VA Disability Compensation and VA Pension: Explaining the Difference
Nicole Winch | December 24, 2019
Asbestos is a toxic substance that was widely used in the military for many years. It wasn’t until the 1980s that its use was discontinued due to health concerns.
However, asbestos still remains in many buildings and living spaces, decades after the dangers became known. Military personnel were regularly exposed to the cancerous substance and were put at risk of developing the rare disease known as mesothelioma.
Today, veterans make up the largest group of people diagnosed with mesothelioma.
If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may qualify for compensation from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA provides veterans and their families with financial assistance through VA Disability Compensation or VA Pension.
BCBH Law specializes in helping veterans with mesothelioma. We have a retired Navy veteran on staff who has assisted hundreds of brave Americans file VA claims to get the help they deserve.
To help you or your loved one with this disease, we at BCBH Law will explain the two different types of compensation options for veterans and how to apply for each after being diagnosed with mesothelioma.
VA Disability Compensation
Many veterans were exposed to asbestos while they were in the military, whether it was on a ship, on an aircraft or in the barracks. As a veteran, you can apply for VA Disability Compensation to cover the financial burden of your mesothelioma diagnosis.
To be eligible for VA Disability Compensation for mesothelioma, your disease must be connected to active-duty service. Qualified veterans receive tax-free monthly payments, which is not based on their income at the time of filing the claim.
According to the Veterans Compensation Benefits Rate Tables, which was last updated Dec. 1, 2019, single veterans receive $3,106.04 and married veterans receive $3,729.22. Veterans with a spouse, two parents and a child as their dependents receive $3,684.01.
Dependents or a surviving spouse of a veteran who died from mesothelioma may also be entitled to Dependency and Indemnity Compensation or Survivor Pension.
Whether you’re a veteran with this disease or the family member of a patient, our lawyers can help you get VA compensation. Our BCBH Law Guide book explains in more detail how we help veterans with their disability claims.
VA Pension
If you don’t qualify for disability compensation, you could be eligible for a VA Pension. This compensation is available to wartime veterans who developed mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure outside of their military service.
VA Pension is a tax-free benefit dependent on income, which makes each claim more unique. The Maximum Annual Pension Rate (MAPR) for single veterans, as of Dec. 1, 2019, is $13,752. However, some expenses can be deducted from your income, such as out-of-pocket medical costs.
Married veterans have a MAPR of $18,008. The amount increases depending on other factors, such as whether the veteran is in need of Aid and Attendance of another person to perform the basic tasks of daily living.
The surviving spouse or unmarried children of a deceased veteran may also be eligible for compensation. The service requirements must have been met by the deceased veteran for their family to receive any benefits.
At BCBH Law, we want veterans and their families to know that they have financial options available. Connect with one of our experts today to learn more about the VA claims process or to get free assistance in filing a VA claim.