Court Upholds Mesothelioma Verdict for Deceased Plant Worker
Nicole Winch | October 13, 2021
Last month, a South Carolina Court of Appeals upheld a mesothelioma verdict for nearly $3M for a deceased plant worker and his wife.
The case involved Mr. Jolly, a Duke Energy worker, who developed mesothelioma after repeated exposure to asbestos-laden gaskets and valves. He was a longtime employee who began working for Duke energy back in the 1980s. During his employment, he was in charge of the removal and replacement of Fisher and Crosby gaskets.
In the 2017 verdict, a jury in Spartanburg County (South Carolina) ruled in favor of Mr. Jolly. The two companies, Fisher Controls International and Crosby Valve LLC, were the defendants in the mesothelioma lawsuit. They were responsible for making the gaskets and valves that Mr. Jolly worked with on a daily basis.
Mr. Jolly died of mesothelioma in 2018, just one year after the verdict. Many mesothelioma cases that go to trial and reach a verdict usually undergo multiple rounds of appeals. Oftentimes, these acts are done by the negligent and at-fault companies to cause a delay in making payments to the victim.
It’s important to find an experienced law firm who can handle every aspect of your case and will expedite the process. At BCBH Law, our attorneys have worked with hundreds of mesothelioma victims to recover the compensation they deserve.
Plant workers were exposed to asbestos regularly for most of the 20th century. If you are a plant worker and have developed mesothelioma years later, fill out our free case evaluation form to see how we can help you and your family today.