Asbestos Lung Cancer Claims

When asbestos enters your body, the substance can lodge into lung tissue and you can develop asbestos-caused lung cancer. Your asbestos exposure was not your fault, and you are entitled to compensation if you have this disease.

Your Asbestos Lung Cancer Claim

Money-hungry corporations used asbestos for decades and hid the substance’s dangers from the general public. They put you at risk and should be held accountable for their hurtful choices.

For the everyday American, linking your cancer to asbestos exposure is difficult. The long latency period for asbestos lung cancer often results in patients forgetting when they worked with or in the vicinity of asbestos.

However, expert help is available. The lawyers at BCBH Law have the experience and resources to handle your asbestos lung cancer claim.

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Learning Your Asbestos Exposure History

The first step in asbestos lung cancer claims is determining the client’s exposure history. Asbestos lung cancer hasn’t been proven to develop due to secondhand exposure. You must have experienced consistent exposure for multiple years to have an asbestos-caused lung cancer.

Therefore, the only scientifically accepted method of developing asbestos-caused lung cancer is through direct exposure, likely from an occupation.

Smoking can cause lung cancer, which can make differentiating between an asbestos-caused disease and a smoking-caused one difficult. However, experienced lawyers who focus on asbestos lung cancer claims can uncover the source of the cancer.

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How Asbestos Lung Cancer Forms

According to the American Cancer Society, the inhalation of asbestos is linked to an increased risk of developing lung cancer. The fibers travel down the back of your throat and into your windpipe. From there, they may reach and lodge themselves into your lungs.

Following exposure to the substance, lung cancer can take anywhere from 15-40 years to develop. By comparison, mesothelioma’s latency period is between 20 and 50 years.

Asbestos-caused lung cancer affects thousands of Americans each year. According to the website Asbestos Nation, between 8,000 and 10,000 Americans die each year from asbestos lung cancer. By comparison, approximately 3,300 Americans die each year from mesothelioma.

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In 2019 alone, approximately 142,670 Americans died from all types of lung cancer, according to estimates published by the American Cancer Society. So the asbestos-linked form of the disease accounts for between 5 and 7 percent of all lung cancer deaths in the United States.

Starting Your Asbestos Lung Cancer Claim

When you hire BCBH Law for your asbestos lung cancer claim, our lawyers will sit down with you and review your employment history. Doing so will help us determine if you worked in any trades that involved asbestos.

The process of learning your exposure history is not simple. Doing so without legal representation can be a challenge, especially considering most Americans have no idea which companies used asbestos, the types of products which contained asbestos or which work locations were exposure sites. For this reason, asbestos lung cancer claims are difficult when you don’t have a lawyer helping.

The attorneys at BCBH Law know all the companies that used asbestos and failed to warn you and are therefore at fault for your lung cancer. Our investigation process is thorough and we will look into all possible avenues of exposure to determine the root of your lung cancer.